Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Rama did not exist ???(So should Bharat be called Rome...)

Congress -5(I don't think Rome exists either.. But could not expect anything better)
BJP -10 (Wake up guys.. You have not won.. Don't worry about selecting PM and do something else)
Communists +0
UPA minus Congress - zero
NDA minus BJP - -10 (Shiv Sena any one listening)
Third front. -5 (Satanic Verses..)


Nitin Gupta said...

This issue openly brings out the opportunism in Congress. First the servents (read Ambika Soni) tried to please their masters (aka Soniya) by filing an affadavit saing no record of Ram's existence. Then they waited for 2 days to find out that people are angry and it is a fault of somebody in ASI. 2 people got suspended and an inquiry set-up. The committee will take ages to submit a report that nobody was at fault!!
And now Mr. Balu who has alread made huge investments by virtue of buying land is in trouble since his investments will not bear fruits...

RP said...

This is surprising.. Some people are just ready to do anything for this project... Rama knows the real benificaries !!!

Unknown said...

The life of issue has become shorter and in the case of Rama against Dhoni ur T20 Champs have sweeped over all other issues for the moment n everyone is basking in the glory. Rama ... O this may come back after few weeks, besides the time is still not ripe to use it for the upcoming elections.

Nitin Gupta said...

its now karuna vs Supreme court and i think the comments of SC are judicial adventurism. Atleast they should not speak beyond constitution.!!